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Thursday, 28 August 2008

Dr Santosh in India!

Dr Santosh writes from Delhi:

Dear Robin and Belachew

Congratulations, we have done it ,200 plus girls of Kasturbha Gandhi Balika Vidiayala Hostel participated in World Laughter Pledge on 30. August 2008 5.30pm GMT India ( 1 pm GMT UK). We laughed for half an hour. Girls ages between 10-19years. They all enjoyed very much. They would love to laugh every week, I need permission from their warden.

My twin grand daughters, Samara And Yuvana four and half years old joined me and laughed for few minutes. I sent about 20 E-, mails to different friends, I am sure some of them must have joined us. A few photos are attached and a few more will follow.

Happy Laughing.

Love and Light.


Dr. Santosh Sahi
President- Women Health Care Organization

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